Victims of the Hollywood Paradox
The studios spend ever more on the blockbusters they make because that demonstrates their power and pays everyone in the chain more money, which creates more (apparent) power for those in charge.
Victims of the Hollywood Paradox
The studios spend ever more on the blockbusters they make because that demonstrates their power and pays everyone in the chain more money, which creates more (apparent) power for those in charge.
#BlackFriday = media trap
Black Friday was a deliberate invention of the National Association of Retailers. It was not only the perfect way to promote stores during a super slow news day, but had the side benefit of creating a new cultural norm.
Understanding critical path
The longest string of dependent, non-compressible tasks is the critical path.
Who is this marketing for?
Before you spend a minute or a dollar on marketing, perhaps you could answer some questions:
就算是擁有傲視大聯盟的先發輪值名單,與可以和洋基相互輝映的鑽石打線,費城人這艘國聯星際戰艦終究還是無法承受傷痛與老化的雙重打擊,硬是於上季明星賽之後,宣告失事,提早離開國聯的主戰場。總管小阿馬洛(Ruben Amaro Jr.)連續6季蟬聯國聯東區王座的美夢也就此破滅。主將逐漸的老化與傷兵所帶來的隱憂,可說是上季費城人兵敗如山倒的最佳註解。
一年一度的拆禮日(Boxing Day)在北方的加拿大,可說是每年商場大減價的日子,民眾排隊採購的踴躍,可不下臺灣每年百貨公司週年慶的熱度。而在這聖誕節假期的長假中,當地的體育電視台則是選擇了重播藍鳥隊的經典賽事,配合過節的氣氛。